Energy Coaching
Pretty much all the problems that dogs, and owners have, can be caused and helped by working on energy levels.
You have probably heard that an anxious/nervous owner, can transmit those same feelings to their dog. This is absolutely true
This will also work the other way in that a fearful nervous dog, can create anxieties in an owner, eg. when seeing a loose dog come running towards them, when they know their own dog is scared. I can guarantee that many of you reading this will have felt this at some time or other.
High energy of people and other dogs, is another big issue that causes behavioural problems for our dogs, which in turn cause problems for us.
Issues like loud hyper children, hectic on the go house holds, other dogs chasing balls in a close proximately to a frightened dog.
This is where as energy coach’s, myself and the canine therapy team, will teach you and your dog how to work through these issues.
We will teach both you and your dog, how to be calm and more confident around the issues, that cause you both to express instability and weakness.
So remember when we are helping you and your dog to overcome those un wanted behaviours, then it will be: