Responsible Dog Owners Award Scheme
Responsible Dog Owner Award Scheme
Presented by Roann’s Dog Therapy Team
If you are reading this then I guess you are in interested in finding out what it takes to be a responsible dog owner.
I have put together this educational pack, to help encourage dog owners to become more aware of what is needed to be the best dog owner they can.
Being a good dog owner, is not just about providing food, and water, and massive amounts of love, but about knowing and understanding as much as you can about the creature you have chosen to live with. After all, your dog didn’t choose to live with you, it is you who wants or needs to have them in your life, and they are fully dependent on us to give them the best life we can.
There is a lot more to owning a dog than understanding and caring for your own dog, but you should be respectful to other dogs and dog owners, and, also to people who are not dog lovers.
We have a duty to be considerate to others, and to make sure we abide by the laws in respect to owning an animal.
One of the biggest problems today, of so many dogs living with us, is the lack of knowledge by many owners. Thankfully most of this is just down to naivety, but other times it is down to arrogance, and this is when serious problems can arise.
Don’t forget we are not far away from living with a wolf in disguise, and they can quickly turn from a loving companion, into an animal that can injure and kill in an instance, and that is a big responsibility that should not be taken lightly.
We humans have done so much harm to the world of dogs, by the way we have developed some breeds, and, down to the fact that we are an over emotional species, that causes us to make a lot of wrong decisions when deciding to home a dog. So, it is about time we took a more serious look at what we need to do to take on the responsibility of owning our beloved companions.
What is involved in passing this ‘Responsible Dog Owners Award Scheme’?
There are two sections you will need to take part in and complete, to pass this scheme. But don’t worry you will have as much time as you want to do this and as much help as you may need to achieve it. No one will be judged for how they have been bringing their dog up, it is all about helping dogs and owners through education.
The cost to take part in this award scheme is £25, and is to be paid when Entry form and other theory papers are sent in. This fee is just to cover the cost of enamel badges and printing.
Theory Section
You must pass this section before the Practical side can be arranged.
Contents of theory pack.
Application Form
What do you know about your dog’s breed/s & individuality? Question sheet 1
What you need to know to be a responsible dog owner, plus question sheet 2
Understanding dog body language, plus question sheet 3
Dog Laws, plus question sheet 4
Except for the first Question sheet about your own dog, the answers to the other questions will all be in the information pages that go with them, so you just need to read all the information to find the answers.
Also, if you need any help or would like to discuss anything then don’t hesitate to contact me.
Practical section
Once you have passed the theory part, then we can make arrangements for a practical session, so that I can see that you are able to put into practice what you have learned from the theory side.
This may consist of a walk with a group of other dogs and owners, or by joining in a class situation. If you are a long distance away then some form of assessment via video clips can be arranged.
If you dog has issues and you need help to deal with the practical side, then a one-to-one behavioural session can be arranged to help you cope with your dog’s problems.
When both sections have been passed you will receive an enamel badge, which says you are a ‘5-star Responsible Dog Owner’, plus a certificate showing you have completed and passed the award scheme.
This Responsible Dog Owners Scheme is not about the perfect owner having the perfect dog, as there is no such thing as a perfect dog or perfect owner. We are two different species, living very closely together, and situations can always arise from misunderstandings, anxieties, and from other unavoidable events. But what this scheme is trying to achieve through education is to help as many dog owners as possible, (who want to learn) to understand the animal that they have chosen to live with, and to supply the knowledge so that they can give those dogs the best possible life they can, and to help make the time we share with our dogs enjoyable rather than stressful. So, if your dog has issues such as aggressions, fear, nervousness, and anxieties, or over friendly and boisterous, then to be a responsible owner the best you can do for your dog and yourself, is to firstly acknowledge this and seek proper help. Then you can learn how to solve or just manage your dog’s issues, and so keep your dog, and other people and their dogs safe.
That is what being a responsible dog owner is all about.
If we had a lot more knowledge, understanding and responsible owners among the massive number of pet owners we have in the world today, then I am sure we would have a lot less dog attacks, and possible fewer dogs residing in rescue centres.
But please think carefully, if you are an owner who lets your dog run over to strange dogs when out walking, and you are not open minded to learning how this is causing so many problems to other dogs and owners, then this award scheme is not for you.
This Award Scheme is designed and provided by Roann’s Dog Therapy Team.