Canine Behaviourist (MCFBA)
My name is Anne Browning and I have been working with dogs for 45 years.
I started my career back in the seventies working in breeding and boarding kennels. I have shown dogs in the show ring and taught ring craft classes.
Over the years I have taught a great many basic pet obedience classes in the Shrewsbury and Telford area.
In the 80’s and 90’s I competed and judged in agility all around the country, in mini, midi and standard dog sections.
I have also been a dog groomer of all breeds, including show preparation and hand striping and cat grooming.
All my adult life I have owned several dogs at one time, which has taught me so much about dog language and the needs of a dog living in our society.
For 40 years I have lived, studied and worked with dogs and their owners, ‘that’s a lot of dogs and a lot of behavioural problems’, and I still love every minute of my work.
I have had many health problems and frustrations over the years, but have battled through them and understand how important our dogs are in our lives.
This is a photo of myself and my then family of dogs back in the 80’s, at Worcester Agility show if I remember right. Just don’t laugh at the big hair and Deirdre Barlow glasses.
It is our ambition to educate and help as many dogs and owners as we can, to achieve the happy relations, that all dog lovers crave for, so don’t be afraid to ask for our help.
Our Canine Therapy Team
Breeze is the oldest of our therapy dogs, she is a 12 year old Border collie. Breese together with Sam do most of our set up on dog to dog aggression jobs. She is gentle, calm and shows excellent calming signals, she is a hard working old lady, that has taught many a young whipper snapper.
Breeze was an amazing Therapy dog and will be in our hearts forever.
Cat (Strange name for a dog I know)
Cat is a 10 year old Welsh Sheepdog, she is very calm and doesn’t bother much with other dogs, she shows total non-threatening body language, and all dogs that come and work with the pack, pay very little attention to her, which give them confidence that not all dogs are going to be confrontational.
She is no longer with us, but will never be forgotten
Zest is a 9 year old welsh sheepdog and is a sister to Cat. She works in a slightly different way to the previous two dogs, in that she works on high energy dogs, in teaching them what is unacceptable behaviour.
Zest shows very clear body language to bouncy hyper dogs that their energy must be controlled and quieter behaviour needs to shown. She is given distance and respect very quickly from other dogs with no need for any aggression.
Rift is a welsh sheepdog. She is coming up to 10 years old now, and the most important thing she has done in her life, is to bring into this world 5 beautiful pups’
Rift also has her part to play with other dogs and will give off very clear signals, of when she isn’t happy with other dogs disrespecting her space, and will show in no uncertain terms when enough is enough of un wanted behaviour. She also becomes best of friends with all the aggressive dogs we work with by showing the most amazing calming and submissive signals.
Sam is a 10 year old welsh sheepdog X Border Collie. We picked him up in September 2011 as what was supposed to be a straightforward rehoming job, but on seeing him, we found he had been worked on the farm for the last 18months with a badly dislocated hock. It took £1,000 and two operations to re construct his leg, but he is now very fit and happy and has become a very important part of the team. He has great calming signals and works with all the aggressive dogs we deal with, plus he is our main dog that we use in our training classes. Sam has many people working him in our sessions, adults and children and he does a great job on teaching them the basic commands and training methods.
Sam is a great happy willing dog and loved by everyone, it is a pleasure to work with him, even though he is a real muppet at times.

Oren is Rifts daughter born in 2013. She has been learning naturally from the pack how to be a stable and social happy dog. She is now under the watchful eyes of Sam and Rift, helping to teach other young dogs how to play and be settled around other dogs. She has developed into a valuable team member and loves her performances in Heel Work to Music.
Spa is the youngest member of the team and she is another Welsh Sheep dog. Can you see a bit of a trend here. Spa has quite a strong personality, which I like, but is not for every one. She is turning in to another really valuable therapy dog, having worked mostly along side Sam. Lots to come from her in the future.
If you go to the Clients story page, you will see a write up on Meg’s history before she came to live with us. Meg had complex behavioural issues and spending time with the rest of the team, humans and doggies, have changed her into the happy dog she is today. Unfortunately her lovely owner was diagnosed with Cancer and was struggling to cope with Meg as well as her health. So to save Meg from going into a rescue, which would off destroyed her chances of rehabilitation, we took her on. She is now a valuable member of the team, being able to show just what the power of the pack and the right help can do to give a nervous dog a stable happy life.
So now you have met the main team members, if you would like us to help you with any issue you, that you may have or you would just to come and have fun with us and Sam in our training classes, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.